Success start with your people

The Art of Quantum Management for Organizations

Organizational learning is a source of competitive advantage for dynamic organizations, particularly in highly stable workplaces. Organizations with the ability to learn fast can acquire a lasting competitive advantage over their competitors. In addition, organizations with a transparent process of organizational learning can solve organizational problems. Therefore, organizations need to continually learn to survive in today’s turbulent and fluctuating business environment and be responsive by constantly learning about new issues.

Move over Man Management, in the coming decade, Management is going to be all about creativity and emotions management. Organizations with a culture of lifelong learning, are gradually realizing the importance of Quantum Management. The importance of a working system in which all probabilities of solving an issue are given equal weightage and are not segregated based on seniority or the importance of the thinker in an Organizational ladder.

The quantum organization is continuously changing, adaptive, agile, and without borders, in which innovation and free information prevail. In these organizations, clarifying goals reduces the need for leading by managers, and instead, they emphasize on creating shared goals. Therefore, in quantum organizations, different communication processes are used to create a common perspective and indicate the goals. The purpose of quantum management is to enhance the power and effectiveness of managers and employees. In quantum management, the quantum theory attempts to use the concepts and principles of quantum theory as a guide for describing organizational phenomena and solving the relevant managerial issues.

Only in a quantum management system, one plus one can equal to three. Surprising? But of course possible. Let's compare a classical boardroom meeting with a billiards board. After a red ball goes and strikes a blue ball with high velocity, both the balls take their own separate pathways towards their own separate destination. This is what we see in major board meetings. When there are two conflicting viewpoints, the views of the more experienced one or of the owner usually gets preference and sets the precedent for future meetings where others in the lower rung prefer not to speak out. Quantum Management says an Organization should consider all options possible and be open to more and more suggestions. Two balls striking hard can coalesce together and form a single entity with energy higher than that of the two separate entities. The Quantum theory of probability lists it as one of the most probable options. Openness to fresh new possibilities have the chances of taking the company to a higher new state altogether, with a much better output than initially the company had imagined. One plus one can not only equal three but even touch four.

Therefore, the challenge for managers is to act on the borderline of chaos. They must acknowledge that change cannot be controlled, it can only be understood and perhaps guided. The quantum paradigm believes that cooperation and collaboration can unleash creativity, innovation and full potential. Thus, the organization, employees, customers, society, the market and ecology are elements that can interact and define each other to co-create the reality and future of the organization.